Awtad Copper-Gold Project

Commenced 2011
Alara's Interest in JV 10% with option to increase to 70%
Commodities Copper, Gold
Exploration License Renewed till May 2025
Stage Exploration

The Awtad Project, part of Awtad Copper LLC which is a JV with the Al Mawli Family, is approximately 130km west of Muscat. The general license area, titled as Block 8, extends along the low foothills of the ophiolite chain south-east of Daris village.

Located adjacent to the Daris Project to the west, the Awtad Project has favourable geology and significant exploration potential for new discoveries of copper mineralisation. Alara previously explored some parts of the license area and identified some geophysical anomalies requiring further work. Renewal for the Exploration Licence is now granted by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, and planning for exploration has commenced.

Awtad Copper & Gold