Media Releases

    Second Copper Concentrate Shipment Leaves Port  
    Second Copper Shipment from Al Wash-hi - Majaza Scheduled  
    First Concentrate Consignment Scheduled to Leave Port Today  
    First copper shipment date set. Block 8 licence renewed.  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Quarterly Cashflow Report  
    Al Wash-hi Majaza Copper Project Update  
    Alara JV Awarded new Exploration Licence in Oman  
    Response to ASX Price Query  
    Half Yearly Report and Accounts  
    Change of Share Registry  
    Production commencement at Alara JV Copper-Gold Mine in Oman  
    Alara Copper Project Hot Commissioning Update  
    Alara Oman Copper Plant Commences Hot Commissioning  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Project Commissioning Update  
    Ministry Project Visit and Commissioning Update  
    AGM Results  
    AGM Proxy Totals  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Quarterly Cash-Flow Report  
    Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement  
    Annual Report to Shareholders  
    Notice of AGM and Proxy Form  
    Oman Copper Project - Power and Water Supply Commencement  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - AUQ  
    EGM Results  
    EGM Proxy Totals  
    Al-Wash-hi - Majaza Copper-Gold Project Update  
    Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and Proxy  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - AUQ  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Proposed issue of securities - AUQ  
    Proposed issue of securities - AUQ  
    Copper concentrate offtake agreement executed with Trafigura  
    Trading Halt  
    AHRL Signs Sustainable Tailings Treatment MoU  
    Reinstatement to Official Quotation  
    Additional Finance Facility for Wash-hi Majaza Project  
    Suspension from Quotation  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Saudi Mining Exploration & Services Subsidiary Established  
    Half Year Accounts  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Al Wash-Hi Majaza Project Site Access Road Completed  
    Onsite Geochemistry Lab Completed at Washi-Hi Majaza  
    High-grade copper ore encountered in Wash-hi pit  
    Project Water Supply Infrastructure Work Commences  
    AGM Results  
    Al Wash-hi Majaza Copper Project Construction Progress  
    Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement  
    Annual Report to Shareholders  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form  
    Construction Progress at Al Wash-Hi Majaza Project Site  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Application for quotation of securities - AUQ  
    Cancel - Proposed issue of securities - AUQ  
    Update - Proposed issue of securities - AUQ  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts  
    Details of Auditor Appointment/Resignation  
    Al Wash-Hi Majaza Mine Site Takes Shape  
    Saudi Arabia Exploration Licence Bid Result  
    Saudi Arabia Exploration Licence Bid Update  
    Major Equipment Deliveries at Al Wash-hi Project Site  
    Saudi Arabia Exploration Licence Bid Update  
    Saudi Arabia Exploration Licence Bid Update  
    Khnaiguiyah Licence Bid Final Stage Live Broadcast  
    Alara-Tasnim Khnaiguiyah License Bid Enters Final Round  
    Key Minesite Equipment Deliveries and Construction Progress  
    Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report  
    Response to ASX Appendix 3Y Query  
    Oman Project Equipment Import Customs Waiver, Project Update  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - AUQ  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - AUQ  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - AUQ  
    Notification of cessation of securities - AUQ  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Application for quotation of securities - AUQ  
    Alara forms JV to bid for Khnaiguiyah project licence  
    Wash-Hi Project - Construction & Equipment Delivery Update  
    Project Construction and Schedule Update  
    Pause in Trading  
    Release title error. NO new Managing Director  
    Appointment of new Managing Director and Third Qrt Activity  
    Alara enters final stage of Saudi exploration licence bid  
    Half Yearly Report and Accounts  
    Mining and Procurement Progress at Wash-hi Majaza Project  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice  
    Initial Mining Activities Commence at Al Wash-hi Majaza Proj  
    Non-Executive Director Appointment  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement  
    Project Accommodation Village Completed  
    Alara Secures Omani Copper Project Water Supply  
    Saudi Arabia Update  
    Alara Accelerates Project Construction and Procurement  
    AGM Results  
    AGM - Summary of Proxies Received  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting  
    Al Washihi Majaza Project Construction Update  
    Annual Report to shareholders  
    Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report  
    Project Update - Engineering and Procurement Progress  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts  
    Alara Accelerates Copper-Gold Project Construction  
    Mining Project Construction Activities Begin in Oman  
    Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report  
    Alara JV secures project construction land grant  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Reinstatement to Official Quotation  
    Project Update  
    Suspension from Official Quotation  
    Trading Halt  
    Pause in Trading  
    Project NPV upgrade  
    December 31 2020 Half-Year Financial Report  
    Appendix 2A - quotation of 35,271,462 shares  
    Appendix 3Y - Change in Directors Interests - A Sthapak  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Response to ASX Appendix 3X Query  
    Appendix 3Y - Change in Directors Interests - A Sthapak  
    Appendix 3Y - Change in Directors Interests - S Gethin  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice  
    Final Director's Interest Notice  
    Resignation of Non- Executive Director  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    Results of AGM  
    10% Placement - Appendix 2A  
    10% Placement - Cleansing Notice  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    10% Share Placement  
    Trading Halt  
    Corporate Governance Statement  
    Appendix 4G - Corporate Governance Disclosure  
    Annual Report to shareholders  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Appointment of new Director  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - J Phipps  
    Resignation of Non-Executive Director  
    Oman Update  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    Project Update  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - Justin Richard  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Appointment of new Managing Director  
    Pause in Trading  
    Change of Director's Interest - S Gethin  
    Board changes  
    Trading Halt  
    Pause in Trading  
    Market Update  
    Appendix 2A for quotation of 5,868,726 shares  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    Proposed issue of Securities - AUQ  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Half-Year Financial Report 31 December 2019  
    Al Hadeetha Resources Executes Second Bank Finance Offer  
    Pause in Trading  
    Al Hadeetha Resources Signs 10m Rial Finance Offer  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Quarterly Cashflow Report  
    New Sultan of Oman  
    Project Updates  
    Results of AGM  
    AGM Proxy Summary  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Quarterly Cashflow Report  
    Notice of 2019 AGM and Proxy Form  
    2019 Annual Report  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Project Updates  
    Quarterly Activites and Cashflow Report  
    Reinstatement to Official Quotation  
    Investment Agreement Update  
    Suspension from Official Quotation  
    Oman Mining Expo Presentation  
    Trading Halt  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Al Hadeetha Resources Executes EUR 60m Investment Agreement  
    Half-Year Financial Report 31 December 2018  
    Trading Halt  
    Pause in Trading  
    Al Hadeetha Engineering Contractor Appointed  
    Pause in Trading  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Al Tasnim acquires 30% stake in Alara JV company  
    Directors' Status Change  
    Pause in Trading  
    Appendix 3X - Avi Sthapak  
    Appointment of Director  
    Alara welcomes new JV partner  
    Al Hadeetha Resources Welcomes New Shareholder  
    Trading Halt  
    Pause in Trading  
    Corporate Governance statement  
    Change of Director's Interest - A Sthapak  
    2018 AGM - Results of Remuneration Report Poll  
    Results of Meeting  
    September Quarter Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Appendix 4G  
    Annual Report - 2018  
    Notice of 2018 AGM and Proxy Form  
    Reinstatement to Official Quotation  
    Saudi Court Judgement Issued - Update  
    Suspension from Official Quotation  
    Trading Halt  
    Pause In Trading  
    Saudi Court Judgement Issued  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts  
    Oman Projects Update  
    Oman Project Update  
    June Quarter Activities and Cashflow Report  
    Copper Project Update  
    First International JV Awarded Omani Copper Mining Licence  
    Oman Copper Project Update  
    Oman Project Update  
    Mining Licence Approved for Al Hadeetha Copper Project  
    Trading Halt  
    Approvals Received for Al Hadeetha Copper Project  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - S Gethin  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - I Gregory  
    Change to Company Secretary, CFO and Registered Office  
    March Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B  
    Activity Update  
    Joint Venture with South West Pinnacle Exploration  
    Half Year Financial Report 31 December 2017  
    Project Acquisition  
    Project Licence Update  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    December 2017 Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 5B  
    Activity Update  
    Company Updates  
    Issue of Placement Shares & Appendix 3B  
    Issue of Placement Shares & Appendix 3B  
    Oman Project Update  
    Share Placement  
    Project Update  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    Company Updates  
    September Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B  
    Company Updates  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting  
    Annual Report - 2017  
    Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Statement  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts  
    Project Update  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Company Update  
    June Quarterly Report and Appendix 5B  
    Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholder  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Appendix 3Y  
    Appendix 3Y Note  
    Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest Notice x 2  
    Appendix 3B - New Issue Announcement  
    Activity Update  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports  
    Project Updates  
    Change of Registered Office & Principal Place of Business  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Appendix 3B  
    Clarification of Letter to Option Holders  
    Change of Company Secretary and Office  
    Letter to Option Holders  
    Off-Take Agreement  
    Activity Update - Oman  
    Legal Update - Khnaiguiyah Zince Copper Project  
    Half Year Accounts  
    Appendix 3B  
    Oman Activities Update  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports  
    Oman Activities Update  
    Legal Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Maiden Ore Reserve - Al Hadeetha Copper-Gold Project  
    Update - Al Hadeetha Copper-Gold Project  
    Results of Meeting  
    Project Updates  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports  
    Project Updates  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form  
    Mining Investment Conference Presentation  
    Corporate Governance Statement  
    Appendix 4G  
    Annual Report to shareholders  
    5.55MT Increase in Indicated Resource - Al Hadeetha Project  
    Al Hadeetha Project Update - Washihi Resource Model  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Appendix 3B  
    Al Hadeetha Project Update  
    Project Updates  
    Appendices 3Y  
    Closure of Renounceable Rights Issue  
    Closure of Renounceable Rights Issue  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports  
    Al Hadeetha Project Update - Washihi Infill Drilling Results  
    Al Hadeetha Copper-Gold Project - Response to ASX Request  
    Rights Issue - Amended Timetable  
    Change of Auditor  
    Dispatch of Prospectus  
    Appendix 3B  
    Letter to Ineligible Shareholders  
    Letter to Eligible Shareholders  
    Letter to Optionholders - Renounceable Issue  
    Appendix 3B - Renounceable Issue  
    Prospectus - Renounceable Issue  
    Further Information & Project Update - Al Hadeetha Project  
    Rights Issue to Raise $1.45M  
    Oman Project Update - Infill Drilling at Washihi Complete  
    Further Information - Mineralisation at Al Hadeetha Project  
    Oman Project Update  
    Project Updates  
    Khnaiguiyah Zinc-Copper Project - Legal Update  
    Oman Project Update  
    Khnaiguiyah Zinc Project - Project Update  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Quarterly Cashflow Report  
    Board Appointment and Appendix 3X  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Feasibility Study Update  
    Final Director's Interest Notice  
    Board Changes and Employee Options  
    Al Hadeetha Project - Exploration Licence Renewal  
    Half Year Accounts  
    Update on Legal Proceedings in Saudi Arabia  
    Appointment of Executive Director  
    Quarterly Cashflow Report  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Oman Project Update  
    Option Expiry  
    Potential Breakthrough on Khnaiguiyah Project  
    Project Update - Oman  
    Results of Meeting  
    Recent Developments in Saudi Arabia  
    Listing Rule Compliance  
    Becoming a substantial holder - Correction  
    Response to ASX Query - Price and Volume Query  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder  
    Update to Quarterly Activities Report  
    Rights Issue - Shortfall Offer Oversubscribed  
    Closure of Renounceable Rights Issue  
    Licensing Updates  
    Alara Executes JV Services Agreements  
    Quarterly Activities Report  
    Quarterly Cashflow Report  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form  
    Renounceable Rights Issue - Dispatch of Prospectus  
    s708A Notice and Appendix 3B  
    Letter to Shareholders  
    Renounceable Rights Issue - Revised Timetable  
    Appendix 3B Rights Issue  
    Rights Issue to raise up to $2.48M  
    Feasibility Study Update (Oman)  
    Appendix 4G Key to Disclosures  
    Corporate Governance Statement 2015  
    Annual Report to shareholders  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Board Appointment  
    Khnaiguiyah Project Update  
    Company Update  
    Change of Company Secretary and Office  
    Commencement of Feasibility Study in Oman  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Alara and Bayan Extend Framework Agreement  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - Shanker Madan  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - Ian Williams  
    Board Changes  
    Quarterly Reports - June 2015  
    Alara Announces New JV Partner in Saudi Arabia  
    Change of Substantial Holder Notice - Whitechurch  
    Initial Substantial Holder Notice - Whitechurch  
    Appointment of Joint Company Secretary  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - Ian Gregory  
    Company Update  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - Justin Richard  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Appendix 3Z-Final Director's Interest Notice-John  
    Response to Price Query  
    Company Update  
    Trading Halt  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder from NAB  
    Change in substantial holding from NAB  
    Appendix3Z-Final Director's Interest Notice-P Hopk  
    Appendix 3Y-Change of Director's Interest Notice-P  
    Resignation of Managing Director  
    Termination of Small Holding Share Sale Facility  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports March 2  
    Outcomes of Updated Advanced Scoping Study for Was  
    Appendix 3B  
    Update to Advanced Scoping Study-Washihi Copper-Go  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Company Update  
    Half Year Report - 31 December 2014  
    Oman Washihi Project Defined - MOU with Mawarid Mining  
    Notice of Ceasing to be Substantial Shareholder - Mr R Gunes  
    Quarterly Activities Report - December 2014  
    Update on Legal Matter  
    Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholder - Mr R Gunes  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder  
    Company Update  
    Oman Projects Update  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Results of 2014 AGM  
    Results of Poll Voting at 2014 AGM  
    Summary of Proxies Received for 2014 AGM  
    2014 AGM Presentation  
    Khnaiguiyah Project - Update on Legal Matters  
    Khnaiguiyah Project Update  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options - Corrected  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - HRH Prince Abdullah  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - HRH Prince Abdullah  
    Board Changes  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Philip Hopkins  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Quarterly Activities Reports - September 2014  
    Lapse and Cancellation of Unlisted Options  
    Presentation to MENA 2014 (Dubai)  
    2014 Notice of AGM, Explanatory Statement and Proxy Form  
    2014 Corporate Governance Statement & Appendix 4G  
    2014 Annual Report  
    Oman Project Update-Positive Advanced Scoping Study Outcomes  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder  
    Change in substantial holding  
    2014 Full Year Report  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Small Holding Share Sale Facility  
    Investor Update - Issue 1 - August 2014  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2014  
    Saudi Arabia and Oman Projects Update  
    Investor Roadshow Presentation - JUN 2014  
    Oman Project - Positive Options Analysis Study Outcomes  
    Khnaiguiyah Project JV Agreement Has Reached Impasse  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Ian Williams  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Alara Appoints Highly Experienced CFO  
    Quarterly Report - MAR 2014  
    Change of Share Registry Address  
    Response to Price Query  
    Completion of Agreements for Updated Khnaiguiyah Project JV  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Philip Hopkins  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Philip Hopkins  
    Mines and Money Hong Kong Presentation - March 2014  
    Changes of Directors Interest Notice - Philip Hopkins  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - Ian Williams  
    Change in substantial holding from NAB  
    Alara Moving to 60% Interest in the Khnaiguiyah Project  
    Investor Roadshow March 2014 Presentation - Addendum  
    Trading Halt  
    Change in substantial holding from NAB 110314  
    Half Year Report - DEC 2013  
    Investor Roadshow Presentation - March 2014  
    Oman Project HMS Breakthrough  
    Change in substantial holding from NAB  
    Quarterly Report - DEC 2013  
    Oman Project Update  
    Research and Development Tax Incentive Scheme Refund  
    Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest Notice  
    Appendix 3B New Issue Announcement - 20M Options  
    Summary of Proxies Received for General Meeting  
    Results of General Meeting  
    Corporate Update and Projects Update - Oman and Saudi Arabia  
    Notice of General Meeting and Explanatory Statement  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Philip Hopkins  
    Appendix 3B New Issue Announcement - 10M Unlisted Options  
    Results of 2013 AGM  
    Presentation at 2013 AGM  
    Summary of Proxies Received for 2013 AGM  
    Response to ASX price query  
    Alara Appoints CFO and Corporate Affairs Manager  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - John Hopkins  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - William Johnson  
    Quarterly Report - SEP 2013  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - Prince Abdullah  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - James Phipps  
    Annual Report - 2013  
    Presentation at the MENA Mining Show  
    Appointment of Director  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    2013 Notice of Annual General Meeting  
    Appendix 3X - Initial Director's Interest Notice - J Hopkins  
    Appointment of Director - John Hopkins  
    Full Year Report - 2013  
    Review of Current Activities  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Research and Development Tax Incentive Scheme Refund  
    Appendix 3Z - Final Director's Interest Notice - D Stewart  
    Retirement of Director - Douglas Stewart  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder  
    Response to ASX price query  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - P Hopkins  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2013  
    Managing Director's Terms of Employment  
    Appendix 3Z - Final Director's Interest Notice - S Madan  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder from CTN  
    Retirement of Director  
    Change of Office  
    Khnaiguiyah Project - Joint Venture Update  
    Upgrade to JORC Resource at Washihi Copper-Gold Project  
    Board and Management Changes  
    Khnaiguiyah Project Update Post DFS  
    Investor Presentation  
    Appendix 3X - Initial Director's Interest Notice - P Hopkins  
    Appointment of Director  
    Quarterly Report - MAR 2013  
    Positive DFS - Khnaiguiyah Zinc-Copper Project  
    Maiden JORC Ore Reserves - Khnaiguiyah Zinc-Copper Project  
    Investor Presentation  
    Half Year Report - DEC 2012  
    Drilling success continues at Washihi - Oman Project Update  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder from CBA  
    Change in substantial holding  
    109M Copper Sulphide Intersection - Oman Drilling Update  
    Update on Capex and Opex Estimates - Khnaiguiyah Zinc-Copper  
    Investor Presentation  
    Quarterly Report - DEC 2012  
    Mine Schedule Update - Khnaiguiyah Feasibility Study  
    Change in substantial holding from CBA  
    Washihi Copper Mineralisation Continues To Expand  
    Capital and Operating Cost Estimates - Khnaiguiyah DFS  
    Processing Optimisations to Impact Positively on DFS  
    Results of 2012 AGM  
    Presentation at 2012 AGM  
    Summary of Proxies Received for 2012 AGM  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Change in substantial holding for NAB  
    Change in substantial holding from NAB  
    Change in substantial holding from CTN  
    Appendix 3B  
    2012 Notice of AGM, Explanatory Statement and Proxy Form  
    Annual Report - 2012  
    Quarterly Report - SEP 2012  
    JORC Resource Upgrade and Update for Khnaiguiyah Zinc-Copper  
    Completion of $7.875 Million Capital Raising  
    Trading halt  
    Relinquishment of Interest in El Quillay Project, Chile  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Initial JORC Resource - Washihi Project in Oman  
    JORC Resource Upgrade for Khnaiguiyah Zinc-Copper Project  
    Full Year Report - JUN 2012  
    Oman Copper-Gold Projects Update  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Appendix 3Z - Final Director's Interest Notice - F Khan  
    DFS Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc-Copper Project  
    Substantial Copper Discovery - Washihi Project in Oman  
    Non-Executive Director Mr Farooq Khan Resigns as a Director  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2012  
    Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Trading Halt  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    DFS Update - Khnaiguiyah Project  
    Drilling Update - Washihi Copper-Gold Project in Oman  
    Investor Presentation  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Quarterly Report - MAR 2012  
    Drilling Update - El Quillay Project Chile  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Change in substantial holding from CBA  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Change in substantial holding from CBA  
    Change in substantial holding from CBA  
    Change in substantial holding from CBA  
    Half Year Report - DEC 2011  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Maiden JORC Resource - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Trading Halt  
    Quarterly Report - DEC 2011  
    Environmental Approval - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    AUQ ASX Appendix 3B New Issue Announcement  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Project Acquisition - Al Ajal-Washihi-Mullaq Project in Oman  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Results of 2011 Annual General Meeting  
    2011 AGM Presentation  
    Summary of Proxies Received For 2011 AGM  
    Quarterly Report - SEP 2011  
    Project Acquisition- El Quillay Copper Gold Project in Chile  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Annual Report - 2011  
    Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest Notice - I Williams  
    2011 Notice of AGM and Proxy Form  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Full Year Report - JUN 2011  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Form 603 - Becoming a Substantial Shareholder from NAB  
    Appendix 3B Application for Quotation of 450,000 Unlisted Em  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project.  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2011  
    Drilling and Metallurgical Test Work Update - Khnaiguiyah  
    Drilling Rig Update - Khnaiguiyah and Daris Projects  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - F Khan - Updated  
    Notice of Ceasing to be a Substantial Holder  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - F Khan  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder from QUE  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder from OEQ  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Operations Update - Khnaiguiyah Project  
    Change in substantial holding from CBA  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Becoming a substantial holder from CBA  
    Appendix 3B Quotation of 66M Shares and Cleansing Statement  
    Completion of Tranche 2 $23.76M Share Placement and Top 20  
    Appendix 3B New Issue of Unlisted Options  
    Results of General Meeting - 26 May 2011  
    Replacement-Investor Update Presentation at General Meeting  
    Investor Update Presentation at General Meeting  
    Summary of Proxies Received for 26 May 2011 EGM  
    Drilling Update - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Appointment of Chairman and Corporate Governance Review  
    Lapse of Employee Options  
    Quarterly Report MAR 2011  
    Quotation of 18M Shares and Cleansing Statement  
    Notice of General Meeting, Explanatory Statement, Proxy Form  
    Acquisition of Interest in Awtad Copper-Gold Project in Oman  
    Completion of Tranche 1 $6.48 Million Share Placement  
    Massive Sulphide Copper Mineralisation - Daris Project  
    Acquisition of Interest in Marjan Project - Saudi Arabia  
    Completion of $30 Million Capital Raising  
    Trading Halt  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Change in substantial holding  
    December 2010 Half Year Accounts  
    2nd Phase Drilling Programme at Daris East Project in Oman  
    Commencement of Drilling - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Investor Update Presentation  
    Quarterly Report - DEC 2010  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Conditions Precedent Met For Advancing Khnaiguiyah Project  
    Securities Trading Policy  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - F Khan  
    Change of Substantial Shareholder Notice - F Khan  
    Change of Substantial Shareholder Notice from OEQ and QUE  
    Award of Mining Licence - Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project  
    Trading Halt  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Notice of change in interests of substantial holder.OEQ.QUE  
    Change in substantial holding from OEQ and QUE  
    Application Quotation of 34M Shares and Cleansing Statetment  
    Further High Grade Copper Gold Mineralisation-Daris Project  
    Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder - Katana  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder from UBS  
    Change of Substantial Shareholder Notice - F Khan  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Completion of $7.82M Placement and Updated Top 20  
    Commencement of VTEM Electromagnetic Survey - Daris Project  
    Appendix 3X - Initial Director`s Interest Notice-IJ Williams  
    Appendix 3X - Initial Director`s Interest Notice- DH Stewart  
    Results of 2010 Annual General Meeting  
    Presentation at Annual General Meeting  
    Summary of Proxies Received For 2010 AGM  
    Appointment of Directors  
    Substantial Shareholder Notice - F Khan  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder from SRK  
    Change of Substantial Holder Notice  
    Notice of AGM and Proxy Form  
    Quotation of 12M Shares and Cleansing Statement  
    Becoming a substantial holder from CTN  
    Annual Report - 2010  
    Completion of Capital Raising  
    Quarterly Report - SEP 2010  
    Further High Grade Copper Gold Mineralisation -Daris Project  
    Execution of JV Agreement for Khnaiguiyah ZincCopper Project  
    Trading Halt  
    Investor Presentation - Explorer to Base Metals Develper  
    High Grade Copper Gold Mineralisation- Daris Project in Oman  
    Acquisition: Khnaiguiyah Zinc Copper Project in Saudi Arabia  
    Trading Halt  
    Full Year Report - 2010  
    Appendix 3Y - F Khan - Change of Directors Interest Notice  
    Daris Copper Project Drilling Update  
    Lapse of Unlisted Options  
    Acquisition of Interest in Daris Copper Project in Oman  
    Acquisition of El Quillay Copper Gold Project in Chile  
    Appendix 3B New Issue of Unlisted Employee Options  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2010  
    Quarterly Report - MAR 2010  
    Lapse of Employee Options  
    Half Year Report - DEC 2009  
    Canning Well Manganese Farm Out Agreement with MIN  
    Appendix 3Z Final Director`s Interest Notice for Stephenson  
    Vale Chairman Dr John Stephenson  
    Quarterly Report - DEC 2009  
    Appendix 3B New Issue of Unlisted Options  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - Johnson  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    AGM Presentation  
    Summary of Proxies received  
    Quarterly Report - SEP 2009  
    Notice of 2009 AGM and Proxy Form  
    Appendix 3B New Issue of Unlisted Options  
    Appendix 3X - Initial Dr`s Notice - WJohnson  
    Appointment of Director  
    Annual Report - 2009  
    Response to ASX Price Query  
    Full Year Report - 2009  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2009  
    Lapse of Listed Options  
    Letter to AUQO Optionholders  
    Application for Quotation of Shares Released from Escrow  
    Bigrlyi South Uranium Joint Venture with Thundelarra  
    CORRECTED Shares To Be Released From Escrow  
    Shares To Be Released From Escrow  
    Quarterly Report - MAR 2009  
    Reinstatement to Official Quotation  
    Half Year Report - DEC 2008  
    Suspension from Official Quotation  
    Quarterly Report - DEC 2008  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    2008 AGM - Managing Director`s Presentation  
    2008 Annual General Meeting  
    Summary of Proxies received for AGM  
    Quarterly Report - SEP 2008  
    Annual Report - 2008  
    Notice of 2008 AGM and Proxy Form  
    Full Year Report - 2008  
    Confirmation of Change of Name to Alara Resources Limited  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - J Stephenson  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - F Khan  
    Change of Directors Interest Notice - S Madan  
    Appendix 3B New Issue of Directors and Employees Options  
    Results of General Meeting  
    Summary of Proxies Received for General Meeting  
    Change in Substantial Shareholder Notice.  
    Response to ASX Price and Volume Query  
    Response to ASX Query  
    Notice of Meeting  
    Appendix 3Y -J Stephenson - Change of Directors Interest No  
    Appendix 3Y -F Khan - Change of Directors Interest Notice  
    Appendix 3Y -S Madan - Change of Directors Interest Notice  
    Cancellation of Options  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2008  
    Quarterly Report - MAR 2008  
    Change of Address for Share Registry  
    Form 603 Notice of Initial substantial holder - RLST  
    Half Yearly Report - 2008  
    Quarterly Report - DEC 2007  
    Amended ann. (10/01/08) re Competent Person Statement  
    Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest Notice F Khan  
    Discovery of Uranium Mineralisation in Cruero and Pampacolca  
    Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest Notice - F Khan  
    Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest Notice JStephenson  
    Appendix 3Y - Change of Director Interest Notice FKhan  
    Substantial Shareholder Notice - F Khan  
    Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest Notice SMadan  
    Change of Substantial Shareholder Notice from SRK  
    Appendix 3B - Application for Quotation of 14 992 535 Shares  
    Appendix 3B - application for quotation of 736250 shares  
    Strikes Distribution Of 16 Million Alara Shares In Specie  
    2007 AGM Presentation  
    Results of 2007 Annual General Meeting  
    2007 AGM Presentation - Managing Directors Presentation  
    Summary of Proxies Received for AGM  
    Release of Restricted Securities  
    Appendix 3B Application for quotation of 1500 shares  
    Appendix 3B Application for quotation of 6000 shares  
    Notice of AGM Documents to AUQO Optionholders  
    Quarterly Report - SEP 2007  
    2007 Notice of AGM and Proxy Form  
    Annual Report - 2007  
    Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest Notice - F Khan  
    Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest Notice - J Steph  
    Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest Notice - S Madan  
    Full Year Report - 2007  
    Letter to Shareholders - Annual Report Election  
    Despatch of Options Rights Issue Prospectus  
    Notice of Options Rights Issue to Shareholders  
    Amendment to Timetable for Options Rights Issue  
    3 for 4 Rights Issue Options Prospectus  
    Appendix 3B Aplication for Quotation - Rights Issue Options  
    Update on Loyalty Options Offer  
    Appendix 3B - New Issue of Employee and Director Options  
    Quarterly Report - JUN 2007  
    Results of General Meeting  
    Summary of Proxies Received for General Meeting  
    Notice of General Meeting  
    New Concessions in Peru  
    Airborne Spectrometer-Magnetic Survey over Bigrlyi Project  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Becoming a substantial holder from SRK  
    Becoming a substantial holder from QUE  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Becoming a substantial holder from OEQ  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice  
    Pre-Quotation Disclosure  
    Court Order dated 9 May 2007  
    Appendix 1A - ASX Listing application & agreement  
    Completion of Agreements  
    In specie distribution  
    Pro-Forma Balance Sheet  
    Statement of Commitments  
    Escrowed Securities  
    Top 20 shareholders/Distribution Schedule  
    ASX Circular: Commencement of Official Quotation  
    Admission to Official List  